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Li, Xiaogang, et al. "Automatic quantification of epicardial adipose tissue volume." Medical Physics 48.8 (2021): 4279-4290.

Li X, Ji L, Zhang R, et al. COACT: Coronary artery centerline tracker. Med. Phys.. 2023;e16873.

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Update log


  • Add zoom menu for adjusting window content.
  • Add move database function.
  • Add section export function.
  • Fix the Chinese characters related problem.


  • Show pixel value at cursor on each view.
  • Support capturing overlay content on each view.
  • Add PAT and Plaque content in Tube module.


  • Improve the seg model manager.
  • Add more settings for radiomics.


  • Add volume rendering module.


  • Add color manager for patient.
  • Adjust the view layout of the centerline module.
  • Support multi rows for each patient in project module.
  • Fix some bugs.


  • Add support for png and jpg image.
  • Add plug-in AI model management.
  • Separate the annotation function to a dependent module.
  • Add support for annotating the png and jpg image.


  • Add image information for the Loop tool.
  • Add Lasso tool in the MPR mode.
  • Add Draw tool in the Tube module.
  • Optimize the snap function in the Seg module.


  • Add more tools to quantify image.


  • Add support for saving serial meta information to study.
  • Add MPR related function in seg module.
  • Add plaque length information in the section inspector.
  • Add centerline length information in the centerline inspector.
  • Add progress bar for the currently processing case.


  • Make the auto seg tool working on the background.
  • Improve the speed of the auto seg tool on macOS by utilizing the GPU.
  • Add support for save some basic seg information.
  • Add support for computing the area of each seg slice.


  • Add opacity selector for segmentation.
  • Add cross marker for each seg view.
  • Add screenshot function for the seg module.
  • Add switch background function for the seg module.
  • Add a new epicardium seg model for pulmonary plain CT.
  • Improve the lasso tool.


  • Add the export log menu.
  • Add the project analyzing module.


  • Improve the Island seg tool.
  • Improve the Lasso seg tool.
  • Add the snap function for saving the state of the seg.
  • Add a new epicardium seg model for non contrast CT.
  • Improve the stability of the activation module. If your activation code becomes invalid, connect the developer to get a new one.
  • Fix the importing problem for some Dicoms.


  • Add the Island seg tool.
  • Add the Lasso seg tool.
  • Fix the launch problem in some Windows computer.


  • Add the new Tube module to replace the Contour module for coronary artery plaque analysing.
  • Add the FAI function in the plaque related information list.
  • Add support for exporting the study.
  • Improve the performance of the Centerline module especially for the very long vessel.


  • Add more settings for the radiomics panel.
  • Add suppert for running radiomics in the background for parallel computation.
  • Add support for editing the Circle object in the contour module.
  • Add support for measuring the angle between the branches in the centerline module.
  • Add support for importing nii and nrrd format series image.
  • Fix the node idx bug in the centerline module.
  • Fix the inserting node bug in the centerline module.
  • Fix the wrong unit bug of the plaque length.
  • Improve the stability of the software.


  • Add support for switching database.
  • Add support for importing segmentation.
  • Add support for editing the content of the study
  • Add support for adding new content for the study
  • Add support for manually creating study
  • Fix the bug about deleting label
  • Fix the bug about reloading patient list
  • Improve the stability of importing table by only allowed the letter or number composed column title
  • Remove the deleting all centerlines function

Powered by Key Laboratory of Cardiovascular Imaging and Research of Liaoning Province, CHINA.